SELF-MOTIVATION // how I stay motivated as an independent artist

How I stay Self Motivated as a independent artist

Coinciding YouTube video found here!

As an inspiring independent artist working in very is(land)olated setting, physically away from art communities and university many people come to me with the question of how I stay motivated.

I always answer that if you want to achieve your dreams you need to stay SELF-motivated. You cannot rely on external factors to give you motivation – sure you can use them as a springboard or a catalyst for your own inspiration, but you cannot solely rely on them for motivation. External factors such as money, fame, people, friends, influencers, social media attention is there one day gone the next. You have no control over what they say, how they act and when when they provide you that most important motivation.

Even if you are the most unreliable person in your life, you are the only one you can rely on day in day out. Although changing, you are the only constant.

If you continue to base your motivation on unreliable factors, you’re not going to be able to push through times when you doubt yourself and feel unworthy of your life choices.

There a three ways (possibly more although these are the major ones!) that I stay self-motivated…

Number One

I feel as though every self-help, spiritual book touches on the concept of finding your why. But does that not reiterate the importance of it? Absolutely. So, I state it again. You need to ground your gaols and dreams in your Why. Why do you want to achieve your dreams? Why do you deserve to?

Ask yourself whether your why benefits you or other people?

If you base your why in the existence, inspiration, and assistance of others then your why has a greater COLLECTIVE purpose. This will provide further motivation as now others depend on the achievement of your goals and not just you.

Number Two

If you ever lack motivation remind yourself that you owe it to your younger self. The one who had worked their ass off to get where you are today. The past and present you deserve living life as the future you has achieved their goals. Remind yourself that you cannot give up on all the hard work you’ve put in to get where you are today.

Number Three

Have clarity in your long-term goals and how you are going to achieve them in realistic steps. Formulate a plan that will inspire and self-motivate you every day throughout times that you feel undervalued, worthless, uninspired, or unheard. Remember and remind yourself that you voice is the only one that matters when defining your goals. Every time you make a step in the right direction – like posting a small little blog :) - even though it may not feel like it you absolutely are a hell of a lot closer to where you need to be.


As I like to say…


Lots of love,

Chantal xx